Combating Climate Change
Development, Dedication, and Determination at Dadlihack 2019
Climate change continues to cause a commotion, and if nothing is done to deter the detriment, the Earth will eventually see deterioration and destruction. So, when innovative teams came together on February 8th-10th to hold their own at the Dadlihack 2019 hackathon, the care for the cause was in full throttle.
With a first prize totaling $5,000 and two runner-up prizes at $1,000 each, the eight participating teams were eager to display their change-making solutions that would aid with everything from housing to transport, as well as demonstrate how their commitment to local communities was at the core of their hardware, software, and process-based plans. Teams could be made up of anywhere from one to five individuals, age 18 and older.
To kick off Dadlihack 2019, founder and managing director of ACT Antigua, Salomon Doumith gave a compelling keynote on the ‘problem definition’ panel. With a detailed description and a thought-provoking message about climate change and its effect on network structure, Doumith’s words were not only a wake-up call but even more motivation for the teams participating to make a difference with their developments.
The teams were varied but each had a common goal – the greater good of the community and a cutting-edge correction for the damage that climate change has already done. Each team worked passionately to think-up preventative measures and communicate what will come if humans don’t do their part.
Here’s a taste of what the teams brought to the table as they took charge to cancel the effects of climate change. From teaching kids about climate change to developing “I’m safe” software, post-hurricane relief via drones and ending plastic pollution, the teams pulled out all the punches for projects they were passionate about.
Team Project Jaguar was the winner of Dadlihack 2019. The young professionals developed NADIS – an online platform that can predict droughts, sargassum, floods, and more. Teams were judged based on criteria including speed of build and delivery of the solution, who and how many people they would be helping, and the self-resilience of the solution.
See how it all went down here. These photos are perfect examples of how entrepreneurial and motivated people collaborate to create change.
Ocean Generation supported the efforts in Antigua and Barbuda and ACT did our part by supplying a high-speed internet connection to allow the hackathon teams to take their ideas to the next level. To encourage youth to be aware of climate change and perhaps participate in something like Dadlihack themselves, after the event, from Feb. 11-13, Ocean Generation held a tech training course for children ages 12-16 to develop their interests and inform them of the potential perils of climate change. The focus was on the urgency for an elevated infrastructure, and the required refurbished resilience as they pave the road ahead.
ACT is all about fostering innovation and encouraging inspired young people to use their talents towards a better tomorrow. For more stories like this, subscribe to our blog.
Congrats to all Dadlihack teams and a special shout out to Team Project Jaguar. Talented teams like these are why we continue to be staunch supporters of individuals, groups, businesses, and others who lend a hand in making our wonderful world go ‘round.
View more photos of the participants and others involved here: