Table of Contents
n the weekend of July 19th-21st, a group of young men and women between the ages of 18-25 years old gathered, completely unaware of the life skills and personal development they would be challenged with during the weekend ahead. As far as they knew, they were on vacation at a fancy hotel with lots of kids their age; But the last thing the Nolan Hue Foundation had in store for these budding adults was just a bunch of fun and games. Atreyn Jacobs is the second participant sponsored by Antigua Computer Technology (ACT Antigua), followed by D’Ondre Thomas who was sponsored back in 2018. The Nolan Hue Foundation partnered with ACT to offer these two young men a mindset-altering journey that would shape them into professional, responsible, and mindful individuals.Day One – Networking
The weekend began with a networking style meet and greet to break the ice. All twenty-four participants were introduced to each other, encouraging them to reach out to new people and prepare them for boundary-pushing activities the weekend held for them.
Day Two – Mindfulness, Character and Image
Day two wasn’t what most young adults would call a ‘typical Saturday morning.’ Yoga began at 4:00AM, encouraging students to take a disciplined and self-connected approach to life. Followed by ‘The Mind’ session taught by Dr. Gaden Osbourne, participants were given a look into the power of the mind and its imperative role in creativity, growth, and eventually their overall success. These young adults were taught small habits to implement daily that keep their minds positive and sharp.
The rest of the day’s agenda consisted of ‘Preparing for Growth’ and ‘Dining like a Diplomat’ lead by Andre Cleghorn. The budding participants were taught how to dress, eat, speak and carry themselves in a respectable manner that will further their power and success in the business world. The importance of accountability and dependability were emphasized as well in order to teach these young adults that their character will make or break success not only in the business world, but in all aspects of life.
The rest of day two was spent with sessions such as ‘School to Work,’ ‘Financial Stability,’ and ‘Technology for Professionals.’ These seminars exposed participants to important life skills such as preparing a resume, managing and budgeting their money, and the advantages of using technology to boost productivity and quality of their projects.
The young adults even got the opportunity to lean in and listen to Kees from Kes the Band as he shared his personal weaknesses and struggles with self-confidence in the past. Understanding that even people they perceive as incredibly successful struggle with insecurities really opened their minds to their own capability to overcome obstacles.
Listen to what Kes had to say here:
Youth Empowerment: The Key to a Successful Future
D’Ondre and Atreyn went through a YER transformation, and emerged with life skills they otherwise would’ve had to learn the hard way. In a world full of pressure and overwhelm, retreats like these are essential for our youth to gain perspective and to develop the confidence and tools necessary to face the world and secure their destinies.
Now It’s Your Turn!
If you feel you have what it takes, or if you see potential in a colleague, a mate, or a relative that has the ability to be the best that they can be, then come in and visit us or get in contact with us for further details about the Nolan Hue Foundation Youth Empowerment Retreat.
Reach out to us at:
Address: ACT Head Office, Old Parham Rd., Antigua & Barbuda
Phone: +1 (268) 480-5228
Hours: Monday-Friday 8.00am-5.00pm; Saturday 8.00am-2.00pm; Sunday: Closed